Kawasaki Triples Parts Database



This page has complete listings of parts for Kawasaki Triples series of bikes, Kawasaki H1, H2, S1, S2, S3 and KH-series bikes. All data is based on the original parts microfiches of the manufacturer. The cross-referencing in this online database makes it easy for instance to find parts that fit several models.

Use the Parts Listing to list all parts within a category or for a certain model.

Use the Parts Search to find a specific part.

Click here for a tutorial by mraxl how to use this database

Parts Listing

Click the Submit button below to open a page with parts sorted in the order chosen from the drop-down lists. To get a complete listing choose 'All' from the Category and Model list, but be warned that there are more than 9000 items.

Note: Item listings in the 'Category' column refer to the section of the microfiche where the part can be located. Kawasaki did not always put a specific part in the same section of a microfiche. There are inconsistancies from model to model. For example, if you look for the word 'chain' in the 'Description' column you may find it listed in 'Swingarm', 'Side Cvr', 'Chain' or 'Rear Hub' Category.

Select Category: 
Select Model: 
Sort by: 
Then sort by: 

Parts Search

Use the form below to search for a specific part. Enter a free text string, e.g. part name or part number, to search for. Optionally choose a bike model to narrow down your search.

    Enter part name 
or number: 
Select Model: 
Sort by: 
Then sort by: 

To improve this database, please report any inconsistencies or errors to address

For more information about the legendary Kawasaki Triple series motorcycles visit Kawasaki Triples Resource Pages

Thanks to Mraxl for providing the data.

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